
Igor Giusti PhD(c)
75 Manhattan Dr. Suite 302
Boulder, CO 80303

Living with depression can mean taking it day-by-day, and it isn’t easy. If you have depression there things that you can do to help yourself cope. These can strategies can have a positive effect on your depression treatment, and help you live a better life.

Strategy #1:  Stay Active for Depression Treatment

If you are struggling with depression, one simple thing you can do is get up and move! According to the Harvard Medical School, participating in regular, moderate exercise at least half an hour daily can be of benefit to people who have mild or moderate depression, and can also help those with severe depression. Why is this?  Exercise affects endorphins, which contribute to mood.

Strategy #2:  Eat Right for Depression Treatment

A healthy diet can have a positive impact on depression. Dr. Lissa Rankin, M.D. writes in Psychology Today that simple diet changes can have a positive impact for depression treatment. For example:

  • Eat foods that have serotonin. These include foods with omega-3 fatty acids (founds in salmon), coconut oil, and protein that has tryptophan, which is found in turkey.
  • Don’t drink caffeine, as the chemical can reduce serotonin in your body.
  • Exposure to sunlight and vitamin D can have positive benefits.
  • Don’t skip meals.

Strategy #3:  Get Out for Depression Treatment

When you are depressed it might be easy to stay at home all day. However, having something to do and a reason to get up and out every day can be helpful. Work is one idea, but if you don’t get much satisfaction from your work that may not work. Consider these ideas:

  • Make plans and follow through to spend time with friends.
  • Volunteer for a local organization.
  • Attend services and events at your preferred place of worship.
  • Take a class at the local community college.

Whatever you do, finding a way to get out of your head and do something with others or for someone else can be helpful for your depression treatment.

Strategy #4:  Walk in Nature for Depression Treatment

Another depression treatment strategy is get outside into nature. Researchers at Stanford University conducted a study where participants walked for 90 minutes in a natural setting, while another group walked along a highway. The researchers then did brain scans of the two groups. The results showed that those who walked in a natural setting experienced a decrease in activity for the part of the brain that is subject to rumination, repetitive thoughts, and negative emotions. Some ways to get outside include:

  • Walking during your lunch break outside the office.
  • Walking the dog.
  • Hiking on the weekend.

You can also bring nature into your work or home by setting some potted plants by the window and hanging scenes of nature on the walls.

Strategy #5:  Talk to Someone for Depression Treatment

Sometimes is just nice to talk to someone about how we are feeling, and knowing that we won’t be judged for it. Is there someone in your life that you can reach out to, such as a friend or family member? Another idea is to join a support group, where you and others who are struggling with depression can connect. Talking to others about your depression may be uncomfortable, but it can be helpful to know that you are not alone, and that you can find support. The Anxiety and Depression Association of America can help with finding a group in your area.

Depression is a difficult condition, and it can have a negative effect on your life and the lives of those you love. It may even feel like  it is even easier than getting up out of bed. However, depression doesn’t have to rule your life. Know that there are strategies you can adopt to cope that can help with your depression treatment.